Commercial and Company Law is all about the legal rules, regulations and controls concerning business activities in this jurisdiction. It covers many areas such as company formation, rules governing franchise arrangements, trademark and copyright protection to name but a diverse few areas.
Business in Ireland has changed dramatically over the last decade. To meet this change, a vast amount of new legislation has been enacted by our legislature to control business relations and provide for smooth European integration with proper compliance between domestic and European regulations. The effect has been that even the smallest business will require varied legal advice on commercial or regulatory matters at some stage.
Elizabeth Howard & Company have the expertise and experience to offer a comprehensive legal package to all our business clients. We have successfully acted for business clients in every area of commercial and company law over the last 20 years. We take an overview of your business and cater for any commercial agreements, disputes, employment law, European law and e-commerce legal needs.
For further information, or to arrange a free legal audit call 01-6105185, or click here for us to call you.

Ballyowen Castle, Eurospar Shopping Centre, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 Y9W0
Ph: (01) 610 5185 Fax: (01) 505 5045 Email: