If you have been refused a bank loan due to an error on your credit rating, this amounts to a breach of your data rights. You are entitled to have your credit rating restored and may be entitled to compensation.
Here is what you need to know:
- Financial institutions must ensure the information they hold or give to anyone else about you is correct. Therefore, you can insist that they amend any inaccurate or misleading information held about you.
- If your bank has made a mistake, you should write to them and ask them to write to the Irish Credit Bureau with the details of the required amendment. If your bank refuses to correct matters, you can make a formal complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner.
- We will be able to advise you on the best course of action, call us today on 01-6105185 and we will be happy to help.

Ballyowen Castle, Eurospar Shopping Centre, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 Y9W0
Ph: (01) 610 5185 Fax: (01) 505 5045 Email: info@elizabethhoward.ie